Not all apps have a universal name like ‘Facebook’ or ‘Instagram’. For example the ‘Calculator’ app is called ‘Rekenmachine’ in dutch. So how can you configure this is in Xcode?
The key values that we need for this is CFBundleName and CFBundleDisplayName. Apple Developer Documentation:
CFBundleName: This name can contain up to 15 characters. The system may display it to users if
isn't set.CFBundleDisplayName: The user-visible name for the bundle, used by Siri and visible on the iOS Home screen.
First make sure you add the targeted languages that you need in the project/info section.
Next in the target/info section set ‘Bundle name’ (CFBundleName) and ‘Bundle display name’ (CFBundleDisplayName) to ‘$(PRODUCT_NAME)’
There is also a key ‘Application has localized display name’ (LSHasLocalizedDisplayName) that needs to be set to YES.
To set the actual localized name we need to add a localized file to the project InfoPlist.strings and add the key-value pair “CFBundleDisplayName” = “<Localized app name>”;.
When you now start the app in the simulator you should see the localized app name.